Anal lube

For maximum pleasure and a totally safe experience, use a lube that has been specially designed for anal sex! A water lube is the best choice for a totally natural feel and is compatible with silicone toys. Our lubes will make anal sex so much more safe and are easier to clean, so your sex session, with or without toys, will last all night long. Lubricating products reduce the risk, as they limit the friction caused by skin contact. Choose the best lube for you for the best sex of your life!

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When experimenting with anal play with your partner, lasting lubrication and personal comfort are of the utmost importance. Even when using condoms, it is important to use a high quality lube, for a more natural feel. You can even use a water based lubricant with sex toys or latex condoms for great anal sex. The important thing is to use the lubricating gel that feels best on the most sensitive parts of your body. Our anal lubes have natural ingredients that are safe for your skin and feel amazing during anal play. The ingredients of our anal lubricants contain more oil than vaginal lubricant, making our lubes perfect for the most intimate personal encounters.

The main ingredients in anal lubes are silicone or water, but there are also moisturizing or relaxing lubricants such as Pjur's Back Door or Just Glide, and even fruity or organic, scented lubricants.

  •  Water-based lubricants are the least allergenic and the only ones compatible with latex condoms and silicone sex toys.
  •  Silicone-based lubricants provide long-lasting lubrication and more sensations, but may damage latex condoms.

Do not use coconut oil, which is not compatible with the latex of a condom and may upset the pH of your anus. Instead of oil, use a mild lubricating gel, with good, gentle body-safe ingredients like aloe!

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