Understand Why She Loves Oral Sex
Going down on a woman is not just a fun rendezvous between the sheets. It's a chance to truly explore those pleasure spots that send her to the moon and back. Want to anticipate her every moan? Figure out if she’s into a slow tantalising tease or a faster, fiery tempo? Cunnilingus is your golden ticket! Not to mention, it’s quite the naughty affirmation of the attention you lavish upon her pleasure. Plus, trust us – seeing her quiver in ecstasy? Absolute turn on.
Perfect the Art of Pillow Talk
One can't simply ace the cunnilingus game without a good chat first. Every woman's tastes differ, so past experiences? Chuck 'em. Instead, stay present, tune into her likes, and most importantly, ask and listen! Perhaps she’s keen on a sensuous slow burn or maybe she's chasing that fireworks finale. Communication, darling, is your secret sauce.
Positions to Make You Both Purr
- Reverse Cowgirl Pleasure Dive: Picture the classic cowgirl, but she’s facing your feet. Gives her control, and you? A racy view and access to tantalise her cheeks.
- The Sensual 69: Face each other head-to-toe and indulge in simultaneous oral delight. Give and take has never been so seductive.
- Oral Doggy Style: With her on all fours, you get an enticing view and can tantalise both her clitoris and vagina, making her squirm in delight.
Teasing Techniques to Drive Her Wild
- Tongue play: Switch between languid strokes and fiery flicks to find her sweet spot.
- Finger magic: Double the pleasure by pairing your tongue on her clitoris and fingers on her G-spot. She'll be floating in ecstasy in no time.
- Suction sensation: Gently does it! Start off tenderly, building intensity as you go along. Her clitoris is sensitive, so navigate with care.
- Sex toy extravaganza: Amplify her pleasure with clitoral stimulators, vibrators, or G-spot wonders. Remember, always seek her thumbs-up before bringing in these pleasure gadgets.