How to Measure Your Penis

Measuring a penis
Measuring your manhood, it's a rite of passage that every bloke has gone through. But do you know how to do it the right way? Banish those lingering doubts and discover the proper methods with our LOVE Team's expert advice. You'll get accuracy and a boost in self-confidence, all in one go!

The size of a man's equipment is a topic that both intrigues and worries many blokes. According to studies, the average erect penis size in the UK is just over 5 inches. But every person is unique, and it's completely normal for sizes to vary. Chances are, most of you have already tried to measure your own penis to see how you stack up against the average, or just out of curiosity. However, to get accurate and reliable results, it's crucial to do it the right way. In this article, our LOVE Team will guide you through the different steps to measure your penis properly, and put all your doubts to rest.

Before you get started with measuring your penis, make sure you've got the right tools for the job. We recommend using a flexible tape measure instead of a rigid ruler. A flexible tape measure will conform to the shape of your penis, which is particularly handy if it has a bit of a curve. Plus, it'll also allow you to easily measure the girth of your penis. So, make sure you've got the right gear for optimal results!

How to measure the length of your penis

To get an accurate measurement of your penis length, follow these steps carefully:

1. First, stand up with your legs slightly apart to make it easier to access the base of your penis.

2. Take your flexible tape measure and position it at the base of your penis, where it meets the pubic bone. Make sure the tape measure is in contact with the skin, going in front of any pubic hair or excess fat.

3. Hold the tape measure straight along the length of your penis, all the way to the top of the tip.

4. Record the measurement shown on the tape measure, making sure not to round up the numbers.

LOVE Team Tip:

If you're having trouble keeping the tape measure in place, you can also use a rigid ruler by placing it along the length of your penis and noting the measurement on the ruler. However, keep in mind that the ruler may be less accurate if your penis has a curve.

Now that you've measured the length of your penis, let's move on to the girth!

How to measure the girth of your penis

To find out the girth of your penis and get a clear idea of its overall size, follow these simple steps:

1. Make sure your penis is erect to get an accurate girth measurement.

2. Take your flexible tape measure and wrap it around the base of your penis, where it's the widest.

3. Gently pull on the tape measure so it's snug, but without compressing your penis.

4. Record the measurement shown on the tape measure, making sure not to round up the numbers.

LOVE Team Tip:

If you want to know the girth of your penis at other points, such as the middle or the base of the glans, simply repeat the steps above, adjusting the position of the tape measure.

And there you have it, you now have all the information you need to measure your penis accurately and reliably!

Measuring your penis can be a source of curiosity or concern for some men, but remember that size isn't the be-all and end-all for a fulfilling sex life. Communication, listening, and intimacy with your partner are far more important factors for achieving mutual satisfaction. Don't be afraid to explore new things and let yourself be guided by your desires and those of your partner.

The LOVE Team is here to guide you in all your adventures and answer any questions you may have. We're here to help you feel comfortable and confident with your body and your sexuality. So, don't hesitate to get in touch - we'd be delighted to help you on your journey to well-being and fulfillment.